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Report How To Fix the Blind Spots (and Risks) in Direct Materials Sourcing

How To Fix the Blind Spots (and Risks) in Direct Materials Sourcing

Effective direct materials sourcing requires many moving parts behind the scenes to work in harmony, but it can be undermined by hidden challenges that lead to costly risks and disruptions. Without complete visibility, sourcing teams struggle to make informed, timely decisions, impacting operations and profitability. How can procurement and supply chain leaders overcome these visibility gaps and take control of their sourcing strategy? How To Fix the Blind Spots (and Risks) in Direct Materials Sourcing explores how 360 visibility can transform direct materials sourcing, empowering procurement leaders to make better decisions, reduce risk, strengthen collaboration and improve the bottom line.

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  • The seven critical capabilities for 360 holistic visibility
  • Best practices to simplify the complexity involved in direct materials sourcing
  • Benefits for key roles like category managers, product designers and procurement analysts