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British Firms Progress Towards Paperless Procurement

The power of automation to streamline vendor agreements

Today, procurement plays an increasingly strategic role in every company. From RFPs and MSAs to supplier contracts and financing agreements, Procurement is responsible for the way organisations manage suppliers. Unfortunately, however, inefficient paper-based processes can tarnish the department’s reputation by generating excessive costs, unsatisfactory service levels and frustrating delays.

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The State of Systems of Agreement, found that almost half (46%) of respondents’ companies had experienced postponements in starting projects as a result of inefficient agreement processes in the past year, while 42% had experienced delays in recognising revenue.

Solution Categories

Order Management Software

Order Management Software

Order management software is a powerful tool used by businesses to streamline and automate their ord...

Vendor Management Software

Vendor Management Software

Vendor management software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps businesses effectively ...

Purchasing Software

Purchasing Software

Purchasing software refers to specialized software programs designed to streamline and automate the ...