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Webinar Building Sustainability in Supply Chains

Building Sustainability in Supply Chains

Sustainability has taken a front seat again in Europe and the U.S. thanks to some recently enacted regulations. This means companies must balance ESG initiatives with the ongoing need to control costs. That was one of the insights shared by GEP Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer Jagadish Turimella during an interview with SupplyChainBrain. Turimella cited the steady progress in making ESG a focus while acknowledging the work that lies ahead. “Boards of directors have acknowledged sustainability and they've assigned chief sustainability officers. It hasn't quite percolated down all the way to the category managers and supply chain managers at the mid-level, but we’re getting there.”

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  • The importance of addressing scope 3 emissions standards now
  • The need to collaborate with suppliers to meet sustainability targets
  • The tools to track and report on ESG performance