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Fix the Tail to Propel Procurement: Attacking the Tail Spend Problem in B2B

In the past year, an increasing number of procurement organisations have come to Spend Matters to ask how best to get control over tail spend.

To gain a better understanding of the problem and determine the best solutions, Amazon Business sponsored Spend Matters to conduct a research study on how companies are dealing with tail spend. While the study confirmed many expectations, it also revealed some surprising results.

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Read this report now to discover new conclusions on how organisations can reduce cost and increase broader effectiveness through emerging approaches to managing tail spend.

Solution Categories

Order Management Software

Order Management Software

Order management software is a powerful tool used by businesses to streamline and automate their ord...

Vendor Management Software

Vendor Management Software

Vendor management software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps businesses effectively ...

Purchasing Software

Purchasing Software

Purchasing software refers to specialized software programs designed to streamline and automate the ...