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Checklist JAGGAER - Future-Proof Your Supply Chain: A Procurement Checklist

Future-Proof Your Supply Chain: A Procurement Checklist

Procurement is more dynamic than ever. It must turn on a dime to react to changes and developments in local and global supply chains. In this checklist, you’ll find ideas on how you can make your purchasing more crisis-proof, resilient, agile and efficient from 2024 onwards. Each manufacturing organisation will face different challenges, to varying degrees. But the current state of global supply chains, legislation on supply chain due diligence, the transition towards the circular economy, and the battle for talent are issues every organisation is facing today.

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  • Stimulate thoughts and discussions about how to accelerate the transition to fully digitalised procurement
  • Driving down costs to managing risk
  • Mitigating disruption and ensuring continuity of supply