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Report GEP Global Supply Chain Volatility Index

GEP Global Supply Chain Volatility Index

The GEP Global Supply Chain Volatility Index, produced by S&P Global and GEP, is a leading indicator tracking demand conditions, shortages, transportation costs, inventories and backlogs based on a monthly survey of 27,000 businesses. It is derived from S&P Global’s PMI™ surveys, sent to companies in over 40 countries that together account for 89% of global gross domestic product (GDP) (source: World Bank World Development Indicators).

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December Highlights:

  • Increased safety stockpiling reported by North American manufacturers, led by the U.S., as firms anticipate higher imported costs.
  • Asian factories’ purchasing of inputs rises at the fastest rate in three-and-a-half years as firms, particularly in China, ramp up production to meet stronger orders, reflecting domestic stimulus measures and advanced buying ahead of possible tariffs.
  • By contrast, Europe’s industrial recession worsens in November, in large part due to Germany’s deepening manufacturing downturn.