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Purpose-driven Procurement: Entering the Age of Holistic Value

Adapting in anticipation of the era of holistic value

Procurement’s role has evolved beyond creating shareholder value; it now aims to generate value for communities, drive sustainability in supply chains, and mitigate risks while remaining resilient. This expanded purpose offers purchasing teams a unique opportunity to uncover additional value in areas such as risk management, innovation, and sustainability. Now, Procurement holds the key to addressing a large portion of an organization’s environmental and social impact. In the latest Procurement Leaders Analyst Report: Purpose-driven Procurement: Entering the Age of Holistic Value, experts reveal that with the right vision, leaders can create a lasting legacy for themselves, their teams, and their organization.

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This report covers:

  • Assessing procurement's purpose
  • Elevating procurement's focus
  • Understanding the framework of sustainable procurement

Solution Categories

Inventory Management Software

Inventory Management Software

Inventory management software is a powerful tool used by businesses to efficiently track and manage ...

Supply Chain Management Software

Supply Chain Management Software

Supply Chain Management Software refers to a digital solution that helps businesses streamline and o...

Inventory Control Software

Inventory Control Software

Inventory control software refers to a digital tool or system that helps businesses manage and track...