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Leveraging Digital Tools in 2019 to Expand Procurement’s Capabilities

The four most-feared words in business – do more with less – are losing their power for procurement organization's...

Still, it remains critical to stay closely in tune with the needs of the business to ensure the digital transformation strategy is in line with future needs. This research from The Hackett Group indicates that procurement must become fully dedicated to advancing its capabilities in analytics, customer-centricity and agility, while also investing in the right talent to help lead those changes. However, there is still a mismatch between what procurement considers to be most critical for success and what it is able to address.

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Read this report to explore:

  • Procurement's critical development focus areas
  • Procurement resources in 2019
  • 5 actionable steps to meet the challenges of the digital era 

Solution Categories

Order Management Software

Order Management Software

Order management software is a powerful tool used by businesses to streamline and automate their ord...

Vendor Management Software

Vendor Management Software

Vendor management software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps businesses effectively ...

Purchasing Software

Purchasing Software

Purchasing software refers to specialized software programs designed to streamline and automate the ...