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Procurement: The Next Great Digital Transformation Frontier?

Today’s business landscape has become increasingly complex, creating a key role for procurement teams to help organisations navigate constantly changing marketplaces...

Procurement professionals are now expected to manage risk, drive innovation and achieve sustainable cost savings. This more high-profile role has made digital transformation much more important – procurement teams will need to quickly access vital insights that aid in decision making, whilst also automating low-value tasks like invoicing and purchase approval to allow them to spend more time on strategic tasks.

Report Snap Shot

This report is based on a study of 200 UK-based procurement, supply chain and finance professionals at organisations with over 1,000 employees. It explores:

  • How a lack of digitisation is limiting procurement teams from delivering long-term competitive advantage
  • The impact this has on procurement teams
  • What leaders should do to overcome this challenge

Solution Categories

Order Management Software

Order Management Software

Order management software is a powerful tool used by businesses to streamline and automate their ord...

Vendor Management Software

Vendor Management Software

Vendor management software refers to a specialized tool or system that helps businesses effectively ...

Purchasing Software

Purchasing Software

Purchasing software refers to specialized software programs designed to streamline and automate the ...