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Six Steps from Integrated to Enterprise Planning

Reliance on outdated technology and disparate systems requires days to answer questions, preventing organizations from making effective decisions.

Businesses have been striving for decades to integrate supply chain planning processes with those used by other functions across the organization, using systems like traditional sales and operations planning (S&OP) and integrated business planning (IBP). Yet, these have fallen short of the one truly integrated business plan that many companies are seeking to develop and deliver. In this article from SupplyChainBrain, you’ll learn about dynamic, connected, collaborative, cloud-based technology—enterprise business planning (EBP). Read about how you can move from relying on outdated technology and disparate systems to converging planning efforts across all operational, financial, and commercial functions in six steps.

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  • Readying the Enterpise
  • Identifying Barriers to Change 
  • Adopting Enterprise Business Planning (ABP)

Solution Categories

Inventory Management Software

Inventory Management Software

Inventory management software is a powerful tool used by businesses to efficiently track and manage ...

Supply Chain Management Software

Supply Chain Management Software

Supply Chain Management Software refers to a digital solution that helps businesses streamline and o...

Inventory Control Software

Inventory Control Software

Inventory control software refers to a digital tool or system that helps businesses manage and track...