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Accelerate sales with a frictionless agreement process

Time kills all deals get to revenue faster with a modern system of agreement

B2B selling warrants a human touch, from establishing rapport and understanding problems to recommending solutions and building relationships. But within the B2B sales process, there are opportunities for automation and further competitive differentiation—in the agreement process—that remain largely untapped. When agreements get bogged down in manual tasks, the sales process can’t proceed, and business comes to a halt. But the sooner agreements get done, the sooner reps can deliver revenue, and the sooner customers can realize the value of their investments.

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This whitepaper will explore how: 

  • A modern system of agreement can automate and connect the manual steps before and after the signature that waste sales reps’ time and money and put revenue at risk. 
  • Salesforce reduced its sales-contract turnaround time from an average of two days to one hour by modernizing its agreement processes. 
  • Leading organizations eliminate this agreement friction in their sales cycles, enabling reps to close deals faster while contributing to a superior customer experience.

Solution Categories

Sales Force Automation Software

Sales Force Automation Software

Sales Force Automation Software refers to a specialized tool or software application designed to str...

Review Management Software

Review Management Software

Review management software refers to a digital tool designed to help businesses monitor, analyze, an...

Sales Engagement Platform Software

Sales Engagement Platform Software

A sales engagement platform software is a powerful tool designed to streamline and optimize the sale...