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How Carbon Black Reached 95% Forecast Accuracy on the Ramp to IPO

Before Clari, the teams at Carbon Black, a leading cloud-based cybersecurity company, were experiencing a similar burn.

Although their numbers were trending ‘up and to the right’ as they geared up for IPO, every quarter felt like a herculean effort. With Clari’s help, they rebuilt their sales playbook from the ground up, increased accuracy in their forecast, and are now delivering results with confidence.

Report Snap Shot

In this case study, learn how they:

  • Turned a lack of clean data and process into a predictable operating rhythm.
  • Went from operating with static, inaccurate data to real-time accuracy.
  • Gained a holistic view of the pipeline to focus the team’s time on the right deals.
  • Reached 95% forecast accuracy on the ramp to IPO.

Solution Categories

Sales Force Automation Software

Sales Force Automation Software

Sales Force Automation Software refers to a specialized tool or software application designed to str...

Review Management Software

Review Management Software

Review management software refers to a digital tool designed to help businesses monitor, analyze, an...

Sales Engagement Platform Software

Sales Engagement Platform Software

A sales engagement platform software is a powerful tool designed to streamline and optimize the sale...