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How to Sell Without Product Differentiation

How to play to win - without a USP - in increasingly competitive markets.

The “differentiate or die” methodology has long been a central part of the sales and marketing mantra. But is it still relevant? The world is constantly evolving, and advancing technology has paved the way for a new generation of companies – all fighting for their slice of the market. And the truth is confronted with so much choice, behind the noise, consumers can’t tell one product from another.

Report Snap Shot

  • In 2016, the number of UK startups rose to a new record - 660,000 new companies were established
  • In 2017, UK startups raised more money in equity investment than ever before - equalling £8.27bn worth of funding.
  • In 2018, the number of new tech companies in the UK rose by 14%.

Solution Categories

Lead Management Software

Lead Management Software

Lead management software refers to a digital tool or system that helps businesses effectively manage...