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The Four Ps of Revenue Protection: A Revenue Playbook for Ops Pros

Revenue Protection

In the early days of operations (circa 2015), ops pros were given one primary charge: grow more revenue and scale using automation, like bees buzzing from flower to flower, gathering more nectar to produce honey. Then came 2023. Economic conditions took a downward trend, spawning layoffs and tech stack consolidations. As a result, the RevOps team at LeanData is doing things a bit differently. They’re still focusing on revenue generation, but now also investing their time in a revenue protection strategy. This guide will share the signals, plays, and strategies you need to protect your company’s revenue.

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This playbook covers:

  • How economic shifts have changed the focus from revenue generation to safeguarding existing revenue
  • The Four Ps Framework: Introduction to LeanData’s revenue protection strategy
  • Identifying revenue risks and strategic responses to safeguard your company's revenue and growth