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The ABX for Sales Playbook

Actionable ideas for cracking your top accounts

Despite it’s name, Account-Based Marketing is not just for Marketing teams. Since the Sale team is an integral part of ABM success, we’re giving it a new name: Account-Based Experience (ABX). Download this report and learn how to go from a reactive, lead-based model into a proactive, engagement-savvy, account-based model.

Report Snap Shot

  • ABX is unusually efficient at creating pipeline. For every five accounts targeted, account-based organizations create a new Sales opportunity.
  • ABX relies on known tactics. It’s the coordination that makes them effective.
  • ABX is more than just Marketing.

Solution Categories

Sales Tracking Software

Sales Tracking Software

Sales tracking software refers to a digital tool or application that helps businesses to monitor and...

Contact Management Software

Contact Management Software

Contact management software refers to a digital tool or application designed to help individuals and...