5 Ways to Communicate Better With Your Customers


Gerry SoCFO and Co-founder of Okappy

16 November 2017

Fantastic communication with customers is an integral part of good business practice, and yet so many companies fall short.

Article 3 Minutes
5 Ways to Communicate Better With Your Customers

Communication can be a key element that is pushed by the wayside when deadlines and tasks mount up - but thinking about talking to your customers and how you approach them is crucial to the development of your business.

In the digital age we sometimes forget the value of direct communication - talking to your customers. As much as emails and digital communications are a way to reach them, it is also essential to speak to and value your customers. Read our tips below for showing them the unique element of your business and communicating in an effective and smart way.

Tailor your message to your audience

At Okappy, we are B2B and so our customers are other businesses, often with a focus on task management and organization. Therefore our message is tailored to businesses and the employers that utilize our application software. Tailoring your message is central to developing great relationships with customers and maintaining those contacts.

Tell a story

Telling a story - taking what's important to your business and providing the framework for real life examples helps customers to see the relevance of your business. Giving real life examples is just one way of ‘telling a story’ but what can be much more important is a brand story. Where has your company emerged from and why? It is explaining the reasons behind your business and creating a story that keeps communication clear with customers.

Remove distractions

We live in a digital - and therefore distracting - world. Keeping other distractions to a minimum when communicating with clients can aid conversation and help understanding between you and your customers. Whether this means simply making sure meeting rooms are free from other electronic communications or making the time for phone call meetings - any distraction can cause misunderstandings so make sure you’re focused on delivering the message to the client.

Be brief yet specific

Being specific in emails, meetings and phone calls may seem obvious - but an eye for detail is a key element that sometimes can go missing with busy offices and high workloads. Brevity may be best reserved for e-mail communication, but attention to specifics is so important for conversations with customers as it highlights your work approach. Businesses who pick up on the small specifics of conversation will also be alert to their customers’ individual needs.


Finally, it may seem obvious, but listening is such an important element of communication. As a business, your customers should feel valued and respected in your environment. Empathy is an essential part of talking to your clients - understanding their story, their needs and expectations of you may seem evident - but it is something that is critical to customers and often undervalued by businesses. Use empathy and understanding when in conversation with your customers and they will also feel the same empathy towards you and your business.

Great communication with customers is always integral to developing strong and lasting business relationships. Whether the communication is through email or face-to-face meetings, it’s important to focus on the needs of the customer and also how they work together with what your company can provide.

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Gerry So

I believe business can be a force for good, but all too often work ends up being painful as companies are overloaded with admin, paperwork and masses of emails. My mission is to improve the working lives of construction companies, giving them complete control of every job every step of the way and have some fun!


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