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2023 State of Channel Incentives Report

Tacking Against The Headwinds

According to 360insights latest Sales Incentives research, incentive programs are proving resilient against economic flux. In fact, 95% of C-suite executives in Automotive, Consumer Durables, and Technology industry said they will raise their sails with investments and budget increases for strategic sales incentive programs in the coming year. Unexpected challenges also made waves with participants in all industries, including shifts to incentivize influencers and a rising interest in new incentivization models. Download the 2023 State of Channel Incentives Report to see how channel sales incentives are helping brands enable greater success, and generate support for partners, dealers, and resellers alike in 2023 and beyond.

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"Just as solo sailing is a difficult and dangerous sport, navigating the waters of incentives alone is incredibly challenging. Thankfully, brands already recognize the need for expert help with incentive programs, as only 3% of them choose to go solo."