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We Believe in Unicorns!

Lessons to be learned from billion-dollar start-ups

Despite a backdrop of economic turmoil, a looming recession, customer reluctance to spend and rising energy prices, many UK businesses are still exceptionally ambitious about achieving a billion-dollar valuation. In this eBook, HubSpot surveyed 500 leaders of UK businesses to understand their unicorn ambitions, and the hurdles they'll overcome on the way. If like these leaders, you’ve got ambitions for growth in 2023 this report will help you understand the challenges you should prepare for and the steps you can take to overcome them.

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88% of leaders harbour a desire to become a unicorn company, while an overwhelming majority (94%) believe it’s likely they will achieve this ambition. 

77% of Directors and a 88% of C-level leaders believe location will be a limiting factor when it comes to achieving their growth ambitions.