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Medium Businesses: A Connected Thinking report

Fuelling the UK’s economic engine

How long has it been since you took a look under your companies hood? Well it might be time to get the tools out and get some repairs done! Medium-sized businesses (those employing 11–249 people) are the engine of the UK economy. Responsible for employing over 7.5 million people and turning over almost £1.4 trillion a year. They run our high streets, design and build our homes and public spaces, and keep us all connected and online – all while competing with large corporations. Yet with the current economic gloom, Virgin Media O2 Business have created a report for how to get the best from your IT to ensure your company remains a part of the backbone of the UK economy.

Report Snap Shot

  • No more stalling: it’s time to expect more 
  • Key findings 
  • A look under the hood: tech is crucial to keep medium businesses moving 
  • Gearing up for digital transformation 
  • Taking control of the journey ahead