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A Guide to First-to-Second Purchase Campaigns

The likelihood that your customer will purchase again

Many brands fail to target customers at the correct time. Using RFM analysis is a great way to determine when a customer is likely to start repurchasing with your brand and this allows you to time your campaign effectively. Read this short infographic to learn how using segmentation technology can help drive more repeat purchasers for your brand.

Report Snap Shot

Only 27% of single purchasers will purchase again if left alone. 45% after two. And 54% after three!

What are you doing to maximise continual purchases with your brand? 

Solution Categories

Reputation Management Software

Reputation Management Software

Reputation Management Software refers to a specialized tool or platform designed to help businesses ...

Customer Journey Mapping Tools

Customer Journey Mapping Tools

Customer journey mapping tools are digital resources that assist businesses in visualizing and under...