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Enrich Customer Experiences With Product Content

Explore the value of using integrated technology to support product content strategies

This Forrester Consulting study, commissioned by Widen, explores how enriched, engaging brand and product content empowers consumers to make confident purchasing decisions – driving conversions and customer satisfaction and reducing return rates. Download this study to learn more about how the right integrated or combined technology can help you tackle your workflow challenges – and maximise the impact and value of your product content strategy.

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Forrester surveyed 259 digital marketing and e-commerce decision makers — as well as 360 consumers to reveal insights across these areas:

  • Current product content strategies lack the foundation for success
  • Process and integration challenges are to blame for lackluster strategies
  • Consumers pay the price for poor content strategies 
  • Combining the power of DAM) and product information management (PIM) software on the back end can ultimately improve the customer experience on the front end