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Improving Customer Loyalty and Operational Efficiency through Business Messaging

Improving customer service through a channel that customers already love

Millions of customers use messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp to keep in touch with friends and family, yet when it comes to customer service and support, their first instinct is still to pick up the phone. Part of this has to do with long ingrained behavior, but the other part has to do with the fact that many businesses have not yet embraced messaging as a channel for engaging customers.

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  • how to implement asynchronous messaging
  • how COVID-19 impacted customer adoption of business messaging
  • how to decide which messaging channels you should support

Solution Categories

Customer Loyalty Software

Customer Loyalty Software

Customer loyalty software refers to a digital solution designed to help businesses attract, engage, ...

Customer Success Software

Customer Success Software

Customer success software is a specialized tool designed to help businesses effectively manage and e...

Referral Software

Referral Software

Referral software refers to a digital tool or platform that helps businesses create, track, and mana...