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Report Talkdesk - Talkdesk 2024 CX  in Banking survey:  An industry  benchmark

Talkdesk 2024 CX in Banking survey: An industry benchmark

The impact and influence of AI-powered experiences

Talkdesk 2024 CX in Banking survey: An industry benchmark The Talkdesk 2024 CX in Banking Survey offers an in-depth analysis of the advancements banks and credit unions have made in improving customer experiences through AI and integrated communication channels. Download this report which explores the influence of AI-powered CX technology on banking customer service operations, highlighting the motivations, advantages, and challenges of implementing an omnichannel strategy that blends agent-led support with AI-driven self-service options.

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This report cover:

  • Customer experience landscape
  • How to resolve customer frustration
  • Barriers to AI adoption and digital transformation