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The Better Work Guide to Customer Service Training

U.S. companies lost more than $75 billion in one year because of poor customer service.

If companies want to figure out how to improve customer service in the workplace—and impact their bottom line—they need to build, deliver, and measure customer service training and enablement efforts like never before. The Better Work Guide to Customer Service Training by Lessonly helps leaders discover how to create a customer service training program for any team. Check out their guide to learn best practices, customer service training ideas, and other helpful resources so teams can learn, practice, and Do Better Work.

Report Snap Shot

There are nearly 3 million customer service employees in the U.S. As the face of many businesses, the customer service rep is largely responsible for the quality of service offered to customers. While many executives and leaders think that their reps are delivering great customer service, the reality is they aren’t.

Solution Categories

Customer Service Software

Customer Service Software

Customer service software refers to a digital solution designed to streamline and enhance the overal...

Live Chat Software

Live Chat Software

Live chat software refers to a digital tool or application that enables real-time communication betw...

Customer Data Platforms

Customer Data Platforms

Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are software systems that aggregate and organize customer data from v...