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The Changing Look of Loyalty

Findings show companies must evolve their strategies to earn brand loyalty

A loyal customer isn’t a forever customer, and if your loyalty program isn’t delivering, your customers may switch to a brand that is.

Report Snap Shot

Ogilvy Experience and Sitecore set out to survey consumers around the globe to better understand their current loyalty needs and expectations:

  • What drives brand loyalty?
  • How do consumers want brands to engage with them?
  • How must brands modernize their approach to loyalty to create long lasting customer relationships?

Solution Categories

Customer Loyalty Software

Customer Loyalty Software

Customer loyalty software refers to a digital solution designed to help businesses attract, engage, ...

Customer Success Software

Customer Success Software

Customer success software is a specialized tool designed to help businesses effectively manage and e...

Referral Software

Referral Software

Referral software refers to a digital tool or platform that helps businesses create, track, and mana...