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Complete Content – a new way to harness the power of content

Do you struggle to make sense of your content strategy – what it is, what it’s for and why it matters?

Complete Content gives you a new data-driven, content-led framework for engaging your customers in an omni-channel world. This eBook for CMOs and marketing leaders will show you how to harness the true power of content marketing – in all its forms – to engage real human beings (and sell more stuff).

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  • How you should plan your content strategy to give your customers exactly what they want and need in all the moments that matter.
  • The importance of considering four fundamental content types – Functional, Informational, Engaging and Advertising.
  • Exactly what types of content you should create – from website copy and editorial articles, to engaging social videos and traditional advertising.

Solution Categories

Content Marketing Software

Content Marketing Software

Content marketing software refers to a range of digital tools and platforms that assist businesses i...