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DIY SOS: Calling DIY to Set-Up Online Shop

While the high street has had to bear the brunt of dwindling in-store DIY sales, forward-looking retailers must look to digital opportunities to elevate their brand.

In 2018, DIY sales across the UK fell 40% year on year. In response, high street DIY retailers must focus on using the online world to their advantage. Delving beneath the surface of the issue it becomes clear that the growth of online marketplaces, which currently hoover up a fifth of all retail spending, now poses a key challenge to the survival of DIY retailers across Europe. This report explores the undiscovered opportunities for DIY retailers and how they can build and establish long-term trust with consumers.

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  • The factors governing purchasing decisions and driving loyalty
  • The core barriers for consumers when it comes to undertaking DIY
  • Digital opportunities for DIY retailers
  • How to build long-term trust with consumers

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Sms Marketing Software

SMS marketing software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses to create, manag...