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Global Benchmark Report 2023

How do your marketing results compare to the competition? Analyzing data from the Dotdigital platform, we’ve discovered new benchmark stats to help you measure marketing success and identify key opportunities to improve and optimize. Discover new insights and practical tactics to improve your marketing - the marketing landscape has experienced significant fluctuation in recent years. It’s getting harder to interpret data and turn it into action plans. That’s where we come in. We’ve analyzed reams of data to uncover geographic and industry-level benchmarks. Plus, we’ve surfaced practical tactics you can adopt today to see your own impressive results.

Report Snap Shot

This report reveals precisely how data can turn into actionable insights. By tracking your results compared to industry benchmarks, you can spot changing customer behavior and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Solution Categories

Sms Marketing Software

Sms Marketing Software

SMS marketing software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses to create, manag...