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The Art of Personalised Automation

Engaging Customers at Scale

Watch your revenue and engagement skyrocket with the combined power of marketing personalisation and automation. Personalisation and marketing automation are two of the most powerful strategies available to marketers. While automation programs are personalised by nature, always delivering the perfect content at the perfect time, personalisation has the ability to boost automation further by ensuring your customers feel special and valued, inspiring brand loyalty. In this guide we’re sharing ways you can utilise personalisation to optimise your automation campaign content for unrivalled relevancy and engagement, including; birthday programs, back in stock programs, and cross and up-sell programs.

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In this guide explore key personalisation tactics you can apply to some of the most commonly utilized automations, and learn how to develop a strategy that works for you. 

Solution Categories

Personalization Software

Personalization Software

Personalization software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses to tailor thei...