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Everything you Need to Know About Google Stars

Answering your most asked questions

Products don’t just apply to retail clients, anything you sell should be considered a product. For example, holiday packages, flights and hotels are all products to a travel company, while for a hairdresser, wash and blow dry, highlights and extensions should all be considered products. By collecting reviews on these ‘products’, you can get more insight into how your customers feel about the different elements of your service and get the SEO benefits that come with adding these reviews to your product pages!

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Having stars pop up next to your results is really beneficial, as they can:

  • Help your business stand out from the competition.
  • Provide social proof to your potential customers.
  • Boost click-through rates and increase traffic to your site.

Solution Categories

Sms Marketing Software

Sms Marketing Software

SMS marketing software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses to create, manag...