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How Design Teams Make Remote Work, Work

Building a Collaborative Product Design Process

Building products is more complicated than ever, due to the increased popularity of a remote workforce – making it crucial for product design teams to be able to collaborate in the most efficient way. Collaborative product design platform Figma has studied how several successful product teams run their remote collaboration sessions. In this eBook, learn the five behaviors that can help boost the creativity, productivity and collaboration of design teams, by incorporating group sessions such as; design sprints, mind maps, and brainstorming exercises. Download and read this eBook, to discover ways on how to build a high-performing product team and stimulate creativity through virtual collaboration.

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Discover how these five behaviours can improve creativity in product design teams: 

  • Co-creation
  • Rapport
  • Role clarity
  • Feedback
  • Reflection

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Sms Marketing Software

Sms Marketing Software

SMS marketing software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses to create, manag...