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Get Personalization Right or Risk Driving Shoppers Away

A new survey that highlights what consumers really want and how to deliver

The easier you make life for the consumer, the more likely they are to buy your products. So how does personalisation manage to show only the most relevant content to users? And how well does personalisation simplify the discovery and decision process for consumers? To understand the current status of customer experience with personalisation in e-commerce, Bazaarvoice partnered with ResearchNow to survey more than 1,000 consumers in the United States - learn about their key takeaways and insights with this guide on getting personalisation right.

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  • 70% of retailers in North America list personalisation as a top priority.
  • 9 out of 10 U.S. retailers are investing in personalisation 
  • Retailers that personalise their entire website see a 15% lift in revenue 
  • 71% of shoppers say that "a good online customer experience is important to them" 

Solution Categories

Personalization Software

Personalization Software

Personalization software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses to tailor thei...