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Guide to CMS Security: Best Practices & Protocols

Your CMS connects you with your readers, your employees and your partners.

It’s the drumbeat of your organization. A compromised CMS, however, is a highly sought-after target for cyber criminals—and potentially a significant area of vulnerability for your business. This eBook details various CMS cybersecurity best practices to implement within your organization to keep it as secure and safe as possible. We explain why there’s a surge in cyber criminal activity today and how this can impact your organization’s content management system.

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Cybersecurity quick stats:

  • 98% of cyber attacks rely on social engineering.
  • 43% of the IT professionals said they had been targeted by social engineering schemes in the last year.
  • New employees are the most susceptible to socially engineered attacks, with 60% of IT professionals citing recent hires as being at high risk.
  • 21% of current or former employees use social engineering to gain a financial advantage, for revenge, out of curiosity or for fun.
  • Social engineering attempts spiked more than 500% from the first to second quarter of 2021.

Download the eBook now to learn what steps you and your CMS partners can take to protect your brand and assets online.