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Report How Do B2B Marketers Gain Clearer Insight into Buyer Behavior?

How Do B2B Marketers Gain Clearer Insight into Buyer Behavior?

This report comes from our research mini-series on the acquisition and strategic application of Content Intelligence in B2B marketing

While many brands are producing well crafted content, specific triggers to content engagement are often unknown. Our research reveals 62.5% of our survey panel do not use intelligence gathered from content engagement metrics to inform their strategy. Without adequate performance tracking, are B2B marketers missing opportunities to gather crucial intelligence that would help them evolve and improve?

Report Snap Shot

In this report we uncover:

  • How to develop a 360 understanding of content engagement to track and interpret data at the user, account, format and topic level. 
  • How to build up a database of real-time metrics against content and mapping this against user intent
  • How to use insights to control the user experience, heightening relevancy and message accuracy.

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Sms Marketing Software

Sms Marketing Software

SMS marketing software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses to create, manag...