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How You Can Be A Long-Term Marketer In A Short-Term Performance World

Complexity and return: managing digital marketing to escape a zero sum outcome

The choice of marketing channels available to the modern marketer is overwhelming. There’s much to manage and more to analyse, while constantly changing customer expectations and preferences can impact how much effort retailers should be putting into each channel. However, there are big wins to be had when retailers make the correct decisions, get the balance right and direct their efforts where they will drive the most reward over the short and long term.

Report Snap Shot

  • TARGET AUDIENCE: Who are they? What channels do they engage on? What is their intent and how valuable are they to the brand?
  • BUDGET, RESOURCES AND SKILLS: What is your budget towards each channel? What ROI do you expect?

Solution Categories

Sms Marketing Software

Sms Marketing Software

SMS marketing software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses to create, manag...