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Static Site Generators (SSG) and Headless CMS

Content Management Systems

Leverage the power of static sites with dynamic content from a headless CMS. Explore how using static site generators (SSGs) with headless content management systems (CMS) can allow modern web development teams to build fast, secure websites while reducing developer headaches. By connecting Hygraph, a GraphQL-based CMS, to the popular SSG Gatsby within minutes, sites gain all the benefits of static generation with fully dynamic content managed from anywhere. Download the report for a hands-on approach to modernize your site development workflow. Learn how this setup improves speed, security and developer experience through more flexible content handling compared to traditional databases, addressing common concerns around static limitations.

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This report covers:

  • An overview of benefits and myths of a static site generator
  • Using an SSG with a headless CMS
  • GraphQL and Content APIs