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Modeling ROI for Personalization

Personalization, while increasingly important to an organization's success, is not a simple task.

Implementing personalization requires a transformation, and transformations live or die based on senior stakeholder commitment, governance and control. These three things are best achieved when there’s a clear shared goal – and a great, clear goal is often increasing revenue. The best place to start a personalization initiative is to quantify a financial return on investment (ROI).

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This guide provides a personalization ROI framework that will help you better assess the value of personalization. Topics include: 

  • Exploring the 5 step personalization value assessment framework
  • How to value your digital properties
  • Determining the impact of personalization
  • Investment costs and overall ROI/Value

Solution Categories

Personalization Software

Personalization Software

Personalization software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses to tailor thei...