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Report ON24 - Optimising Engagement: How to Maximise Results Across the Campaign Lifecycle with AI

How to Maximise Results Across the Campaign Lifecycle with AI

Optimising Engagement

Are your marketing campaigns struggling to drive results? Discover how ON24’s AI-powered tools can help you target the right buyers, boost engagement by 5-hours per week (Salesforce) and identify sales-ready leads. Learn how Segment Builder and the Take Action tool identify high-intent buyers and recommend targeted follow ups. Experience how the Q&A Chatbot and Smart Plays optimise engagement and generate personalised blog posts and eBooks from transcripts. Download the guide, to learn how the ON24 suite optimises campaigns from start to finish.

Report Snap Shot

This report covers:

  • Pre-event: AI powering promotion and targeting
  • During-event: AI for engagement and conversion
  • Post-event: Advancing programming and results