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Report ON24 - The State of Digital Maturity in Europe

The State of Digital Maturity in Europe

Tools, techniques, and strategies marketers need to drive results

Are you leaving goals on the table without improving your digital maturity? This State of Digital Maturity in Europe report reveals how improving digital maturity can boost performance. Over 50% of highly mature companies exceeded goals significantly, compared to just 15% of less mature peers. Assess your strengths and weaknesses utilising unique benchmark metrics from over 800 European B2B marketers. Learn where lagging engagement and tailored experiences could be restricting your pipeline. Tailor your strategy after understanding best practices across sectors and nations. Download the report, to identify how leveraging existing data and addressing internal challenges can transform your goals into results.

Report Snap Shot

This report covers:

  • Marketing maturity and business performance
  • Differences in maturity across Europe performance
  • Use of data to improve content and experiences and use of buyer journey stages