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Personalization vs. Customization: Clarifying the Confusion

One of the biggest buzzwords for marketers over the past several years is personalization. But people often use the terms "personalization" and "customization" interchangeably. What's the difference?

While personalization provides marketers and content experience owners the opportunity to drive their customer experience, personalization is still very much a struggle and still very much misunderstood. And not clearly understanding the differences between 'personalization' and 'customization' may explain why some businesses have difficulty implementing better experiences for their customers.

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This guide looks at the key difference between personalization and customization. Highights include:

  • What is the difference?
  • Is the technology used for each different?
  • Why would a business customize vs. personalize?
  • What should I do for my organization?

Solution Categories

Personalization Software

Personalization Software

Personalization software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses to tailor thei...