119 Surprising Email Marketing Facts


Josh WardiniEditorial Contributor and Community Manager

13 April 2018

Email marketing can be an extremely powerful marketing tool if used correctly. Not only does it strengthen relationship with clients and lets them know that you are still there, but it can also greatly increase site traffic.

Infographic 4 Minutes
119 Surprising Email Marketing Facts [Infographic]

Here are a few tips that all the best email marketing services employ on a daily basis:

Make it personal

If possible, you should aim to add a personal element to your emails. There are many tools available that can add a customer’s name to an email without you having to go through and do it manually.

Say no to spam

If your emails go straight into the receiver’s spam folder, it is likely that they will never see the light of day again. You should definitely make sure that your recipients have opted into your emails before you send them to ensure you are not breaking any regulations. A few tips to stay out of spam folders include avoiding too much capitalization or exclamation marks, and hyperbolic phrases.

Include a call to action

Usually, the aim of a marketing email is to increase traffic to a site. You should always try to include a visually appealing call to action button that gives the reader an opportunity to interact. This could be a button to find out more, shop now, book here; there are many options to choose from.

Mobile friendly

A huge percentage of people check their emails on mobile devices rather than on a desktop computer. If your emails are not optimized for mobile viewing, then you could be missing out on a huge number of potential customers.


The job is not necessarily done when the emails have been sent out. You should keep a close eye on your email data, such as how many people opened your message, what time of the day was when people opened them, and how many people used the call to action. This information can tell you about your email performance and allow you to make the necessary changes.

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Josh Wardini

Josh Wardini is an Editorial Contributor and Community Manager. Founder of SERPwatch.io, Josh started building his experience in all things Internet since the beginning of 2000. A novice but aspiring developer, he lives and breathes SEO and loves to explore how the World Wide Web works. When his focus trails outside of community engagement, Josh enjoys the indulgences of writing amidst the nature conservations of Portland, Oregon.


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