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5 Consumer Trends Brands and Retailers Should Lean into This Year

2020 eCommerce trends and 2021 Predictions

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, brands and retailers scrambled to change the way they operated. And what was thought of as temporary has become the new normal, setting us up for a unique 2021. With the initial shock of the pandemic having worn off, businesses have shifted away from the ‘panic pivot’ and are leaning into the ‘new normal’. This eBook explores what the ‘new normal’ looks like, and the 5 consumer trends to look out for in 2021.

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“Numerous retailers I have been speaking to have discussed how their online sales projections have been brought forward between three and five years, while there may be some retailers that see a slight pull back in overall online sales, the reality is online has clearly increased its share of the overall retail pie.”

Thomas O’Connor, Analyst, Gartner Inc.