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A Personalized Commerce Experience

To adapt faster to a continually evolving e-commerce landscape Eurail is focusing on a future-proof online presence.

Over a series of sprint project phases, Eurail and Valtech are developing a personalised omni-channel commerce experience. The first step has involved creating an order process that turns the purchase of a train pass into a PDF that is then sent automatically to ModusLink, Eurail.com’s fulfilment partner. ModusLink then prints the ticket on special security paper and posts it to the customer.

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Eurail.com is a Dutch e-commerce company that sells rail passes for travel in one, more or all countries in Europe for a specific time period. Its two product lines are Interrail passes for people living in Europe and Eurail passes for travellers from outside Europe. The company was formed in 2006 and is owned by over 35 European railway and shipping companies. In 2017 they sold more than 156,600 Interrail passes and 136,200 Eurail passes.