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Report Magento Boost Your Business with Magento Commerce

Boost Your Business with Magento Commerce

Create a unique and compelling user experience

Merchants that have deployed the first generation of e-commerce solutions are facing huge limits in scalability, performance, user experience, as well as high operational and maintenance costs. As these various limitations drive many retailers to evaluate the opportunity of migrating to a future-proof, best in class e-commerce platform, what is more obvious than switching to the number 1 shop system Magento Commerce that 315,000 shops worldwide are based on? The new version Magento Commerce offers various enhancements compared to the first generation of e-commerce solutions, containing innovative and intuitive features like PWA Studio, Page Builder and product recommendations based on Adobe’s AI Sensei. This whitepaper shows what clear benefits merchants can expect when migrating to Magento Commerce and which enhancements drive their businesses to new heights.

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In this report you will find out how to use multiple enhancements to drive your business to new heights. This includes how you can:

  • Triple your revenue
  • Optimise your cost of sales
  • Cut your costs in half