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Digital Holidaymaker Trend Report [Luxury Edition]

How to engage high income travellers, and turn browsers into bookers....

Luxury travel is evolving. Spoiled by endless choice, holidaymakers crave Instagram-worthy experiences that help them meet their personal travel goals. To appeal to the new wave of travellers - who are heavily influenced by social media and their smartphones - travel marketers need to move away from trying to win loyalty with luxurious spas and Michelin starred food, and learn what the affluent traveller really wants.

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  • The channels that affluent travels are using to research and book their holidays
  • The biggest frustrations and obstacles they’re facing in the booking process
  • The marketing tactics that will keep them coming back

Solution Categories

eCommerce Software

eCommerce Software

eCommerce software refers to a digital platform or application that enables individuals and business...

Shopping Cart Software

Shopping Cart Software

Shopping cart software refers to a digital tool that enables online retailers to manage and streamli...

Conversational Marketing Platform

Conversational Marketing Platform

A conversational marketing platform refers to a software or technology that enables businesses to en...