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Digital Holidaymaker Trend Report [Young Edition]

Identify opportunities to engage with Gen Z and Millennial travellers, and turn these browsers into bookers...

Young consumers travel very differently compared to their parents’ generation. Gone are the days when all that was required to win over young holidaymakers was group travel to a sunny beach destination with easy access to cheap food, drinks and parties. Today’s Generation Z and Millennials are keen to discover new countries and mingle with locals. Download this report to identify opportunities to engage with young travellers.

Report Snap Shot

  • How young travellers research and book their holidays
  • The biggest frustrations and obstacles they’re facing in the booking process
  • The marketing tactics that will keep them coming back

Solution Categories

eCommerce Software

eCommerce Software

eCommerce software refers to a digital platform or application that enables individuals and business...

Shopping Cart Software

Shopping Cart Software

Shopping cart software refers to a digital tool that enables online retailers to manage and streamli...

Conversational Marketing Platform

Conversational Marketing Platform

A conversational marketing platform refers to a software or technology that enables businesses to en...