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Hospitality Trend Report 2020

The Reasons Why We Talk About Data-Driven Commerce

Meeting the expectations of today’s tech-savvy customers is forcing the hospitality industry to accelerate the adoption of technology. But much of the digital enablement has been front-end focused. Across the industry, bolt-on front-end functionality has resulted in a mishmash of siloed back-end systems – and this disjointedness is now in danger of stifling long-term growth and competitiveness. This report examines the opportunities and challenges facing modern hospitality businesses.

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  • Travel and tourism (including hotel, lodging and F&B now accounts for over 10% of global GDP.
  • "Poor IT performance and guest data fragmentation is an immense drag for hospitality businesses. It restricts their growth and leads to data islands within federated functions“
  • "Customers are not looking for novelty or ‘technology for technology’s sake’ – they want service, recognition and above all being made to feel special."

Solution Categories

eCommerce Software

eCommerce Software

eCommerce software refers to a digital platform or application that enables individuals and business...

Shopping Cart Software

Shopping Cart Software

Shopping cart software refers to a digital tool that enables online retailers to manage and streamli...

Conversational Marketing Platform

Conversational Marketing Platform

A conversational marketing platform refers to a software or technology that enables businesses to en...