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Report MAGENTO Progressive Web App Primer for Modernising Merchants

Progressive Web App Primer for Modernising Merchants

With the emergence of next-generation smartphones and handheld devices in the late 2000’s, eCommerce broke free from the desktop.

Mobile Commerce is a daily fixture in the lives of millions and yet today’s most prevalent mobile experience technologies are limited in scope. Slow speeds, subpar user experiences, and dated functionality have prevented businesses from tapping mobile’s full potential. In a time when consumers demand digital commerce experiences which are seamless and ultra-fast, yesterday’s technologies are at a disadvantage. However, a powerful solution exists in the form of progressive web apps. Download this paper to find out how you can utilise progressive web app technology to help your business deliver an eCommerce experience which meets the expectations of today’s digital, mobile-first consumers.

Report Snap Shot

  • The Mobile Experience Potential
  • Progressive Web Apps Transform the Mobile Experience
  • Embracing the Mobile Moment

Solution Categories

eCommerce Software

eCommerce Software

eCommerce software refers to a digital platform or application that enables individuals and business...

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Shopping Cart Software

Shopping cart software refers to a digital tool that enables online retailers to manage and streamli...

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Conversational Marketing Platform

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