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Navigating The New Normal: Tips For Organizing Meetings & Events in a Post-Covid World

“Wash your hands, wear a mask and stay two arms’ length from other people.”

Those simple instructions help us navigate our re-entry to social spaces and minimize our risk of contracting the novel coronavirus. But how are meetings supposed to look post- COVID? That question and the lack of a clear answer spurred the creation of this guide.

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Covid-19 has changed the way events and social gatherings are organized. Now, we have to ask ourselves questions like how many times we should wash our hands, what social distancing measures we should take and how we can organize virtual/hybrid events effectively. These are points this report covers to help you move forward successfully and safely with your events.

Solution Categories

Event Management Software

Event Management Software

Event management software is a digital tool designed to streamline and enhance the planning, organiz...

Event Booking Software

Event Booking Software

Event booking software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables individuals or businesses t...

Event Check In Software

Event Check In Software

Event check-in software is a digital solution designed to streamline the process of registering and ...