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7 ABM Plays to Navigate the Buyer’s Journey

Use cases for can’t stop, won‘t stop Marketing performance to dominate today’s B2B reality

Reaching maturity in your ABM practice is important for many reasons, among the most important is the acceleration of revenue, customer acquisition, and ROI. And, at the end of the day, adopters of mature ABM practices have fewer challenges meeting their revenue and growth targets. This is particularly true today, as we navigate the realities of a pandemic, tightened budgets, and increased work-from-home environments. Download this report and discover how some of the most dynamic businesses today are leveraging Account-Based Marketing techniques to power their brands, and how you can create your next Marketing moves that will take your ABM to the next level.

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In our recent research, published in The 2020 ABM Market Research Study, we found that:

  • Companies with a head of ABM were three times more likely to see strong ROI than companies without one, and they were two times more likely to increase their investment in direct mail.
  • Companies with strong ROI are 65 percent more likely to involve over half of their Marketing team in their ABM program than companies with lower ROI.

Solution Categories

Account Based Marketing Software

Account Based Marketing Software

Account Based Marketing (ABM) software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses ...